Quantum Computing technology Revolution Insights

Sathya Narayana
4 min readMar 16, 2022


The buzzword Quantum Computing is revolutionizing the technology landscape in various industries progressively. The dawn of 2022 has been an exceptionally productive time for quantum computing. The quantum computing market is seeing growth through new entrants into the marketplace and even some consolidation among various players. It is also seeing a growing realization by the commercial marketplace that it will offer significant advantages to those companies willing to be earlier adopters.

Various industries such as Healthcare, Finance, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, Logistics, Manufacturing, National security, etc. is already started moving towards Quantum.

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum Computing is a new and exciting field at the intersection of mathematics, computer science, and physics. It concerns the utilization of quantum mechanics to improve the efficiency of computation. It harnesses the phenomena of quantum mechanics to deliver a huge leap forward in computation to solve certain problems.

Quantum computing is the processing of information that’s represented by special quantum states. By tapping into quantum phenomena like “superposition” and “entanglement,” these machines handle information in a fundamentally different way to “classical” computers like smartphones, laptops, or even today’s most powerful supercomputers.

Is quantum computing important?

Yes, Surely it is, Quantum Computers will change everything.

“It looks like nothing is happening, nothing is happening, and then whoops, suddenly you’re in a different world.” as said by HARTMUT NEVEN, DIRECTOR, GOOGLE QUANTUM ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB

Terminologies that are seen in quantum computing

  1. Qubits: In a classical system, a bit would have to be in 0 or 1. But in Quantum Computing data are processed in form of qubits i.e coherence of superposition of both states simultaneously.

2. Super Position: In superposition, quantum particles are a combination of all possible states. They fluctuate until they are observed and measured. One way to picture the difference between binary position and superposition is to imagine a coin. Classical bits are measured by “flipping the coin” and getting heads or tails. However, if you were able to look at a coin and see both heads and tails at the same time, as well as every state in between, the coin would be in superposition.

3. Entanglement : Entanglement is the ability of quantum particles to correlate their measurement results with each other. When qubits are entangled, they form a single system and influence each other. We can use the measurements from one qubit to draw conclusions about the others. By adding and entangling more qubits in a system, quantum computers can calculate exponentially more information and solve more complicated problems.

3. Super Conductors, Quantum Teleportation, etc are other buzz keywords seen in the quantum computing world.

“ Quantum Information can travel faster than light” this approach is termed as spooky action at a distance- termed by Einstein.

Today, what kind of practical problems are quantum computers solving? Here are a few examples,

  • Finding the prime factor of numbers for code-making and code-breaking, and problem searches in big volumes of data in search of esoteric answers.
  • Computing the energy states of molecules.
  • Studying energy generation in photosynthesis to try and simulate the molecular interactions.
  • Understanding reaction mechanisms in complex chemical systems, for example, how nitrogenase fixes nitrogen in plants.

Except for the first one, it’s pretty clear that current quantum computing applications focus largely on obscure rather than mainstream problem-solving.

Quantum simulation : Quantum computers work exceptionally well for modelling other quantum systems because they use quantum phenomena in their computation. This means that they can handle the complexity and ambiguity of systems that would overload classical computers. Examples of quantum systems that we can model include photosynthesis, superconductivity and complex molecular formations.

Recent Improvement and Discoveries :

  1. In a historic milestone, Azure Quantum demonstrates formerly elusive physics needed to build scalable topological qubits. Microsoft’s Azure Quantum program has developed devices that can create quantum properties which scientists have imagined for nearly a century but have not been able to unambiguously produce in the real world — until now.
  2. Microsoft is taking a more challenging, but ultimately more promising approach to scaled quantum computing with topological qubits that are theorized to be inherently more stable than qubits produced with existing methods without sacrificing size or speed.
  3. Researchers have identified a two-dimensional material that could be used to store quantum information at room temperature.
  4. Quantum memory is a major building block to be addressed in the building of a quantum internet, where quantum information is securely stored and sent via photons, or particles of light.

